Model BMRC1: Elaborations


Model BMRC1 is an entry in the CMIP1 intercomparison only.


The spinup/initialization procedure for the BMRC1 coupled model was as follows (cf. Power et al. 1993 for further details):

Land Surface Processes

Sea Ice

Chief Differences from Closest AMIP Model

Aside from a reduced horizontal resolution (from spectral rhomboidal 31 to 21), the atmospheric component of the BMRC1 coupled model differs from AMIP model BMRC BMRC2.3 (R31 L9) 1990 mainly as follows:


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Power, S.B., R.A. Colman, B.J. McAvaney, R.R. Dahni, A.M. Moore, and N.R. Smith, 1993: The BMRC Coupled atmosphere/ocean/sea-ice model. BMRC Research Report No. 37, Bureau of Meteorology Research Centre, Melbourne, Australia, 58 pp.

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